Scouting America Troop 13

About Us - Troop 13

Hello Scouts, Parents, future Scouts, and future Scout Parents!

Founded in 1937, Troop 13 is one of the oldest troops in Florida.  Since 1938, 106 Scouts have attained the rank of Eagle Scout in Troop 13. Many, many others have learned life skills, leadership skills, citizenship skills, and made lifelong friends.

Meeting Info

Troop meetings are held on Thursdays from 7 – 8.30 PM at our charter organization- Memorial Presbyterian Church.  Memorial Presbyterian is located at 1300 S. Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33401. Our meetings are held in the lower level meeting room at the church. Once a month, on nights when Pack 141 has its meetings, troop meetings are adjusted to 7.30 – 9.00 PM to allow Den chiefs to attend the pack meeting. These late start days are listed on our troop calendar.  We have been meeting virtually during the pandemic, but we are slowly starting to meet again in person.

Our Philosophy

We are a youth-led troop. Adults provide guidance and support. Youth learn to be leaders. Sometimes, it’s messy. Sometimes, they fail. But they learn and grow! We try to live by the Scout Oath and Law. None of us does it perfectly – our goal is to teach and learn to do it better!

What We Do

We are an active troop. At meetings, we play games and learn scout skills. We also plan for our next outings.  We camp at least once a month during the school year. On these campouts, we practice scout skills, like hiking, swimming, backpacking and canoeing, and sometimes snow skiing, white water rafting, river tubing, and scuba diving (for those who are certified). 

Every summer, our troop attends two weeks of summer camp. All scouts are welcome to participate in one week of summer camp at our local scout camp, the Tanah Keeta Scout Reservation. Scouts who have successfully completed a week at Tanah Keeta are welcome to attend our second week of summer camp, which is usually out of state and in the mountains. Hello cooler weather!  

We believe in service – we seek to give back to our charter organization, Memorial Presbyterian Church, and our community.   

Troop Structure

Elections are held twice a year. The youth elect an ‘Assistant Senior Patrol Leader’ (ASPL) who serves for the next six months. At this time the previous ASPL assumes the role of ‘Senior Patrol Leader’ (SPL). Other troop and patrol roles are elected at the same time. New Scouts are blended in with existing patrols shortly after crossover. Courts of Honor are held four times per year. Rank advancements are awarded at troop meetings as they are earned. Merit badges and other awards are awarded at the quarterly Courts of Honor. Scouts progress at their own speed and earn their ranks and merit badges at their own pace. This fosters goal setting and that sense of accomplishment that only comes from hard work.  

Thank YOU for taking your time to learn about Troop 13.

Yours truly,

The Troop 13 family